UCI Naturescape Advisory Committee
The Naturescape Advisory Committee provides guidance on the role of campus open space resources, collectively referred to as UCI’s "Naturescape." Providing a strong vision and sound implementation strategies, the committee advises campus leadership on Naturescape opportunities pertaining to research, teaching, wellness, sustainability, and community engagement.
Vision Statement
UCI’s "Naturescape" is the interconnected open space enveloping the buildings and built structures of our campus. At UCI, Naturescape serves campus life & community activities, art & culture, habitat & watershed management, recreation, wellness and especially interdisciplinary teaching and research. Our Naturescape allows us to use the campus as a living laboratory and put to practice what we learn and value. UCI’s Naturescape includes parks, greenbelts, community & botanical gardens, trails & pathways, teaching pavilions, field research sites, upland and wetland habitat, and urban outdoor spaces.
Visioning the future of UCI’s Naturescape is a once-in-a- generation opportunity to develop a campus asset with the potential to distinguish our institution among universities world- wide. UCI’s Naturescape can bring significant value to our campus in the same fashion as high-tech high-performance buildings and other core facilities. A collaboratively planned, managed, and preserved Naturescape will fundamentally advance UCI’s mission in unique and transformative ways.