Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Initiative Overview


DFA’s DEI initiative was launched in 2020 to incorporate the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion to DFA’s culture and included initiatives such as launching DEI Conversation Engagements, starting Diversity Dialogue in DFA newsletter, developing DFA DEI Hiring Guide, etc. As part of DFA’s strategic plan (strategic goal 3), we are currently building on existing divisional DEI initiatives in a 5-year roadmap centered around four main themes to be implemented FY23-24 through FY27-28.

Timeline & Goals

Fiscal Year Conversation Engagements
& Training
Wellness & Partnerships Recruitment & Retention DEI Dashboard
  • Conduct program evaluation.
  • Nominate and certify new facilitators.
  • Finalize and approve topics for 2024.
  • Leverage DEI Power Team to develop 5-year framework.
  • Leverage DEI Power Team to develop 5-year framework.
  • Leverage DEI Power Team to develop 5-year framework.
  • Launch three new topics.
  • Encourage attendance of other DEI trainings (including free offerings).
  • Identify means for tracking MIBT completion for all staff.
  • Establish partnership with Office of Inclusive Excellence.
  • Leverage Wellness Ambassadors to articulate and promote the relationship of wellness and DEI.
  • Establish baseline data for current state of diversity.
  • Add DEI interview questions.
  • Identify existing resources for diversity recruitment postings.
  • Establish baseline data on current view about DEI, baseline categories and growth goals.
  • Identify target audiences, available data sources, and benchmarking data.
  • Create initial dashboard template.
  • Conduct quarterly repeat sessions for new hires/open to all staff.
  • Address additional topics through guest lecturers.
  • Refresher (job aid or other DEI trainings) on MIBT.
  • Provide quarterly report to managers on MIBT completion.
  • Leverage partnerships with OIE and Wellness/Engagement Ambassadors to incorporate and promote available DEI activities through DFA newsletter, website, and events (including wellness table at DFA summer social and Walking Club).
  • Enable availability for all staff to complete MIBT.
  • Publish progress on existing metrics.
  • Expand the DEI dashboard (recruitment data).
  • Input for additional topics and format for upcoming conversation engagements.
  • Expand partnerships to include financial and social wellness.
  • Collaborate with existing DEI partners to join/encourage attendance at various campus DEI events.
  • Standardize exit interview questions and process.
  • Conduct exit interviews including DEI feedback, and plan responsive actions.
  • In partnership with HR, leverage diverse external networks and channels for recruitment.
  • Publish progress on metrics.
  • Expand the DEI dashboard (training data, equity).
  • Develop qualitative and quantitative feedback loop for evaluating effectiveness, usage, and relevance of initiatives.
  • Publish progress on existing metrics and share trend analysis.
  • Expand the DEI dashboard (exit interviews, candidates experience).


Completed as of 01/28/2025.